Saturday, February 03, 2007

The world we live in

Mama....The precious first Words: The world we live in:
Our troops will fight. We will fight because we can understand better than the sheep, the dangers the wolf presents. We as the troops entered into our line of work knowing we could die. We entered our work knowing we were willing to put the lives of the people we protect above our own. We are willing to make that sacrifice so other may not have to lose their lives, and although the sheep may not understand the sheepdog's reasoning for doing this, the sheepdog will continue to protect the flock. We are willing to do our jobs and serve our country. It's time the country stepped aside, and let us do our job.

-Private Jeremy Hill 2nd Royal Canadian Regiment"

n.b. This is a small excerpt from a wonderful article. Click the heading to read it in its entirety.

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