By Sgt. Mike Pryor, 2nd BCT, 82nd Abn. Div. Public Affairs
Feb 3, 2007 - 6:56:19 PM
Maj. Gen. David Rodriguez (left), commanding general, 82nd Airborne Division, pins an Army Commendation Medal on the uniform of Capt. Peter Young, the battalion logistical officer for Special Troops Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, during an awards ceremony Jan. 22. (US Army photo by Sgt. Mike Pryor, 2nd BCT, 82nd Abn. Div. Public Affairs)
Blackanthem Military News, BAGHDAD, Iraq - The 82nd Airborne Division moves so fast and furious that it is sometimes difficult to find time to stop and recognize paratroopers for their achievements."
...Most of the awards went to paratroopers who played key roles in helping the 2nd BCT deploy to Kuwait in January only days after receiving orders. The Falcons moved more than 3,000 troops and 300 containers of equipment halfway across the world in less than a week.
