Sunday, September 30, 2007
Its the little things
Legion honors Blue Star Mothers
East Side American Legion Post 201 of Worcester honored two Blue Star Mothers — Sharon Bouchard, president, and Tina Veves — at its meeting Sept. 10. The Blue Star Mothers organization was created in 1942 to provide support to families that have children serving in the military. The post donated $300 to the organization to provide injured or recovering soldiers with backpacks filled with donated supplies. "
Worcester Telegram & Gazette News:
Vets and families take the hill 09/27/07
More...York News-Times Vets and families take the hill 09/27/07:
Saturday, September 29, 2007
End of his Leave
Posted by
9/29/2007 03:25:00 PM
Labels: 1-504 PIR, 82 Airborne, Baghdad, Thoughts from Mom
Friday, September 28, 2007
New Rule Limits ‘Predatory’ Loans to Servicemembers
USA American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28, 2007 – The Defense Department is instituting new protections that will help defend servicemembers against high-interest emergency loans that can lead to a dangerous cycle of debt. A new regulation included in the 2007 National Defense Authorization Act limits the annual percentage rate on payday loans, vehicle title loans and tax refund anticipation loans to 36 percent for active-duty servicemembers and their families.
The change takes effect Oct. 1. This is a big change, as the interest rates on these “predatory” loans can run as high as several hundred percent, said David S.C. Chu, undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness. Troops and their families have often fallen victim to these loans when they come up short between paychecks, and they can lead to serious problems, he said. “It’s a big problem for commanders, because what happens is often these households get themselves in over their heads,” Chu said. “They’re $200 short between now and next payday, but they’re no better off when payday comes, so they need a bigger loan, and it just goes downhill from there.”
The 36 percent limit in the regulation includes all fees and charges, and the rule prohibits contracts requiring the use of a check or access to a bank account, mandatory arbitration and unreasonable legal notice, Chu said. The regulation makes it a criminal offense for lenders to knowingly charge a higher interest rate to servicemembers, so it is essential that military members be honest about their status when applying for loans, he said. "
More... DefenseLink News Article: New Rule Limits ‘Predatory’ Loans to Servicemembers:
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Stand Ye Steady
Curtain Call Productions - Exclusive Audio Loops & Samples:
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Iraqi National Police find cache in Rusafa District
Sep 22, 2007 - 1:58:39 PM
Blackanthem Military News
FORWARD OPERATING BASE LOYALTY, Iraq - Officers with the Iraqi National Police recovered a weapons cache in the Rusafa District of eastern Baghdad Sept. 15. The officers found a rocket-propelled grenade launcher and nine 120mm mortars. The weapons were turned over to the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team's Special Troops Battalion for their explosive ordnance detachment Soldiers to destroy the weapons. The discovery comes as U.S. and Iraqi Security Forces continue to sweep out insurgent strongholds in eastern Baghdad. This includes the establishment of Coalition outposts and joint security stations as part of the Baghdad Security Plan to pacify the capital. "
Iraqi National Police find cache in Rusafa District:
Friday, September 21, 2007
Blue Stars mean something in New Mexico
The News-Bulletin: Blue Stars mean something:
"Father and son
New Mexico Air National Guard Master Sgt. Rick Carbajal and his oldest son, Marine Cpl. Ricky Carbajal II, are being deployed to Iraq soon. An entire community's prayers and best wishes are going with them. While it's difficult for a family with one member serving in Iraq, it must be tremendously difficult to have two loved ones serving in harm's way. So many men and women in our area have volunteered to put their lives on the line; as usual, the people of Valencia County stand up to be counted when their country calls.
There's a new Blue Star Mothers of Valencia County group that held its first meeting recently. It's an organization that dates back to World War II to support the troops and their families. Folks who don't have a child serving in the military may join as associate members. 'As we get started, we will be asking for donations of time, money and items that can be sent in care packages for our soldiers,' the group said in a pamphlet.
'Support for families includes emotional, financial or repairs around the house.' If you'd like to help, call the group at 217-1806. The Blue Star Mothers meet at 10 a.m. the second Saturday of each month at the First Baptist Church of Bosque Farms. Officers are Jean E. Casey, president; Ruth Vollmer, vice president; Gwen Gordon, secretary; and Lisa Agan, treasurer. You can e-mail the group at jbcasey@ or rs.vollmer It's a good way to help. We've been touched way too closely by this war, with seven Air Force and Army members from the county or with ties to it having been killed. We need to support these families."
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Home on R&R
Since this blog was intended to be about my son I suppose I could update on him. He's HOME. Not for very long, just 18 days, but he is here and its been good having him home.I picked him up at the airport in Albuquerque on Monday and, had he been on the earlier flight as scheduled he would have been welcomed in high style by the Albuquerque Rio Grand Valley moms.
If he had been on his earlier flight as scheduled we would have made it back to Farmington earlier and been welcomed in a big way by the Farmington, Four Corners Blue Star Moms. We made it back at Midnight and were surprised at the wonderful decorations on our deck.
The following evening the crowd all came back and we had a proper welcome home ceremony and a huge cake with the Blue Star Mothers and several other friends.
Posted by
9/15/2007 03:06:00 PM
Labels: 1-504 PIR, Blue Star Mothers, Canadians, Farmington, New Mexico, Thoughts from Mom, Wuffy
Military Mom's Thoughts on Iraq War
Pedersen continued, "He wants to go. He's thinking he is going to be attached this time to the tanks, which he thinks is thrilling."
But it's less than thrilling for Pedersen. She admits her brave face is a front.
"I'm not too happy about the long-term deployments, or too many of them. I think it's hard on them, hard on their families, hard on the kids, but it's really hard on us moms when they are gone that long," she confided.
But Chere says despite her fear, supporting the war in Iraq is a must, not only for her son's sake, but for the safety of those back here in the States. She says all of the negativity by anti-war groups asking for the pull out of troops is hurting our men and women overseas and giving the enemy strength.
She said, "We need to come out victorious. We need to send out a statement that we're not going to let them come over here. "I think the generals know what they are doing."
Pedersen says it's not easy to sit at home and watch coverage of what's unfolding overseas, especially knowing her son is in the middle.
But this mom, who has every reason in the world to want to pull out troops, says if it wasn't for troops like her son, terrorists would be an even bigger threat to us than they are now.
Pedersen is the president of the Blue Star Mothers of America in Southern Nevada. There are 72 mothers in her organization with children overseas.
She says though all may not feel exactly like she does, their group is pro-military. "
More...Las Vegas Now - Breaking News, Local News, Weather, Traffic, Streaming Video, Classifieds, Blogs - Local Military Mom's Thoughts on Iraq War:
Posted by
9/15/2007 07:56:00 AM
Labels: Blue Star Mothers, Military, Thoughts from Mom
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Honorable homecoming
By Dorothy Nobis
The Daily Times
Article Launched: 09/08/2007 12:00:00 AM MDT
FARMINGTON — The tears and hugs of a mother, the obvious pride of a father, the excitement of a sister — and the cheers of countless friends and relatives greeted Spec. Jeffrey Rogers when he entered the terminal at Four Corners Regional Airport on Friday afternoon
Rogers, 21, arrived home after being wounded June 12 south of Baghdad. The Army vehicle Rogers was in was hit by six explosively formed penetrators (EFPs). Rogers' injuries were serious and included the loss of his right arm. He also had shrapnel hit his right leg.
Rogers was flown to Germany, then to Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, where he has undergone treatment for his injuries, said his parents, Barbara and Read Rogers.
Members of the Aztec VFW; the Blue Star Mothers; Sgt. Jerald Tryhane, the local Army recruiter; Mike Colson, the local Navy recruiter; and representatives from the city of Farmington and San Juan County were on hand to celebrate Jeffrey's homecoming.
"It's important he understand how much the entire community appreciates him and is proud of his sacrifice and service," said San Juan County Commissioner Tony Atkinson."
More... Farmington Daily Times - Honorable homecoming: Soldier returns home to enthusiastic welcome:
New Mexico Army National Guard

U.S. Army Soldiers of Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, 200th Infantry Battalion, New Mexico Army National Guard fire their weapons during individual movement techniques as part of mobilization training at Fort Dix, N.J., Aug. 7, 2007.The unit is preparing for an upcoming deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. (U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Russell Lee Klika)

A New Mexico Army National Guardsman maneuvers around an obstacle during individual movement techniques training at Fort Dix, N.J., on Aug. 7, 2007. Guardsmen of Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion, 200th Infantry Battalion, are at Fort Dix as part of mobilization training for an upcoming deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. DoD photo by Staff Sgt. Russell Lee Klika, U.S. Army.
Monday, September 10, 2007
A Modesto Moms son in the News
Hope Mills, N.C.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Ignacio Bike Week a Success
Ignacio Bike Week organizers at first were worried, not knowing if bikers would show up for the first rally planned entirely by the volunteer work. But an estimated 33,000 did show up, and then Ignacio was ready for them. “Ignacio Bike Week 2007 was a greater success than we could have ever hoped for,” said Emily Meisner, president of the Ignacio Chamber of Commerce. “This is benefiting our entire county.”"
...Among the 65 vendors who set up booths along Ignacio’s downtown were non-profit groups, including the Blue Star Mothers, which supports members of the armed forces serving in combat with care packages and other reminders of home. Meisner said that Bike Week visitors contributed more than $1,200 to the Blue Star Mothers over the course of the weekend, through a coordinated ride to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Farmington and in donations to the Blue Star Mothers booth during the rally.
Rotations Are Way to Cut Troops in Iraq
More... The Associated Press: Rotations Are Way to Cut Troops in Iraq:
The 15 combat brigades now deployed to Iraq on regular rotations are:
_1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas.
_2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood.
_2nd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colo.
_2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, based at Schweinfurt, Germany
_3rd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C.
_3rd Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, Fort Lewis, Wash.
_3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.
_3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood.
_4th Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood.
_2nd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, N.Y.
_4th Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, Fort Richardson, Alaska.
_1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Ga.
_1st Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg.
_2nd Marine Regimental Combat Team, Camp LeJeune, N.C.
_6th Marine Regimental Combat Team, Camp LeJeune.
The five combat brigades ordered to Iraq as part of Bush's 30,000-troop buildup are, in order of their deployment:
_2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg.
_4th Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kan.
_3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart.
_4th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, Fort Lewis.
_2nd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Blue Star Banner
Posted by
9/07/2007 05:55:00 PM
Labels: Blue Star Mothers, Thoughts from Mom, video
Mom is no match for new daughter at Marine's homecoming
Bonnie Bise of Modesto traveled to Twentynine Palms to welcome her Marine son home on Aug. 24.
Cpl. Christopher Alexander, 21, was coming home from Iraq, where he had been stationed in Fallujah.
Bise had it planned so she could get an early hug. She had Grandpa, Patrick Alexander, hold 6-month-old Riley Alexander, the baby Christopher had never seen.
"I figured if he saw the baby, I'd never get a kiss," Bise said. The best laid plans of grandma went for naught. "
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Soldiers Mom video
Posted by
9/05/2007 11:12:00 AM
Labels: Blue Star Mothers, Thoughts from Mom, video
Monday, September 03, 2007
Clinton MA teen wins excellence award
Worcester Telegram & Gazette Digests:
"CLINTON — Kurt Kosewski, a Clinton High School junior this school year, has received the “Accepting the Challenge of Excellence” Award from the Clinton Exchange Club. Kurt, 16, is a member of the school’s Excel Club, a high school version of the Exchange Club. His award-winning project was “Operation Soldier Recovery,” which involved gathering supplies such as toiletries, clothing, and other items for recovering soldiers in combat hospitals in Iraq, Germany, and the United States. According to Dan Young of the Exchange Club, the supplies were eventually distributed by Blue Star Mothers, a nonprofit organization. Mr. Young said the criteria for the award is starting a project that reaches beyond a student’s own community and helps others less fortunate or those not being aided. Kurt, the son of Tom and Monica Kosewski of Clinton, plans to start a different project each year. At the award dinner, Mr. Young said, Kurt decided to give back his winnings from a 50-50 raffle, to be put toward a local program that gives school backpacks to needy children. "
UCO and Blue Star Mothers support troops with goodies
More... UCO and Blue Star Mothers support troops with goodies - News:
Aaron Reed benefit slated at OU-C Saturday
"The third annual Aaron Reed Veteran Awareness Benefit and Flags of Honor Ceremony will be from noon to 11 p.m. Saturday at the Shoemaker Center on the Ohio University-Chillicothe campus. The event will include live music, food and beverages, veteran exhibits, guest speakers, a cornhole tournament, Texas Hold 'em tournament, auction, car giveaway and door prizes.
Chillicothe native Reed, a 21-year-old Marine, was killed Aug. 3, 2005, in Iraq. He was a former OU-C student. Proceeds will benefit the Aaron Reed Memorial Scholarship Fund, Lima Company Memorial, Blue Star Mothers, Habitat for Humanity and Honor Flight. Among the bands scheduled to perform are: Tom Ingham, Zac McFadden, Davenporte, Stone Johnson & The Blues Review, Goodbye Rose and the Waverly Boys. A blood drive will be conducted for U.S. service men and women. Pre-registration is available at"
Chillicothe Gazette - - Chillicothe, OH:
Congressional members fighting for health care benefits
Medic collecting gifts for Iraqi children
"Soldier asks friends, family to send toys to be handed out
Special to the Ledger-Enquirer
Spc. Diana Sokol takes vital signs of a soldier.Spc. Diana Sokol is first and foremost an Army medic. 'Goodwill ambassador' isn't part of her job description. But that's exactly what the Plano, Texas, native has become since she and the 2nd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment, shipped out to Iraq. Oddly enough, before even stepping foot on Forward Operating Base Rustamayah, where a portion of the 2-69 is attached with the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Sokol figured out what her secondary mission would be for her 15-month deployment. She's heard stories from soldiers who had been to Iraq that children would beg them for soccer balls, toys and other kids' items. She remembers seeing photos of Iraqi kids with virtually nothing but the clothes on their backs. She began her goodwill mission even before she left Fort Benning in March. Though it's difficult for her to personally pass out the gifts she's collected over the past five month because her duties as a medic keep her on the FOB, she makes sure others distribute the soccer balls and toys."
More... 08/31/2007 Medic collecting gifts for Iraqi children: